Windows 8 is the new version of the Windows operating system, and the latest release in the series. Aimed more at tablet PCs and touch screen devices, and seemingly armed with a whole set of radical changes, Windows 8 has still faced some negative feedback from the users, who are more affinitive towards the Windows 7 and XP OSs.
Windows 8 app pricing
The windows store is the new online marketplace for applications to use with Windows 8, and none of these will be priced lower than $1.49, according to the announcement Microsoft made about the online service’s pricing policies. Recently, details of the Windows Store were given out, where the maximum pricing for an application is $999, and the minimum, is $1.49. So much for hoping they’d beat Google play’s 99 cent pricing. The only saving grace about the prices is that they’re still better than what Apple are offering.
The Windows 8 problems, such as the extra half dollar in the price, might not be endearing to developers either. But then, it is better for them to go with Microsoft’s decision and hope it makes better payoffs. The slight increase might not mean much to the individual buyer, but when you look at the numbers at the end of the day, Microsoft and the developers are both set to make some money. However, if the user is the kind that downloads hundreds of such apps, then the price difference added up can make a difference, even though it would be only as much as 50 dollars for a hundred apps. This is why such Windows 8 problems do not really need to be worried about if you’re not an app person.
The windows 8 OS is currently out in the preview builds, and as long as it stays that way, users of the windows store can have free to use access on all apps found there. This offer will be rescinded by the time the OS goes to the RTM stage. And then, the developers that live in supported countries can offer paid and trial apps by themselves, and the user gains from not having to worry about the next update to the apps he buys. Also, the apps will be connected to the accounts, and not to the machines they use.
This is some information on the Windows 8 apps that are available at the Windows Store. Hope this article was helpful and relevant.