Computer parts you should know
Once the computer may still include luxury goods, but now it no longer, and the computer this time we can classify as basic needs. Almost every educated person has a computer and possibly all of them. If you include a user’s computer then you should also know the computer parts.
Understanding the Computer Parts is important, especially if you want to buy a computer or fix it. If you know what are the Computer Parts, then you will know whether it’s the computer specs good enough or not. If you buy a personal computer (PC), maybe you just look at the CPU (casing), monitor, printer, mouse, keyboard, speakers and wires only. the most important parts that make a computer that’s good or not is on the CPU it (you only see the casing). How can you tell your computer specs are fine if you are not familiar with computer parts?
In this article we will know the important parts that make up the computer, and in a next article we will discuss in more detail. In general, the computer consists of several important parts, namely:
- Processor or CPU as the data processing unit
- RAM memory, a place to store temporary data
- Hard drives, semi-permanent storage media
- Input device, the medium used to enter data to be processed by UPS, such as mouse, keyboard, and tablet
- Output device, the medium used to display the output CPU processing, such as monitors and printers
- Operating system
- Software applications
- Drivers
To learn more about computer parts further, we will discuss in detail later in this article. if the article is available then you will be able to click the computer parts you want
Tag :computer parts and functions, parts of the computer and its functions, basic parts of computer and its function
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